*Please note you also have the option to register and provide payment for all classes at the store or over the phone by calling 920-438-0376.
Instructed by Camera Corner’s very own technology expert, Kevin Bassett!
Managing iOS Photos Workshop
Wednesday, September 18th | 2:00pm – 4:00pm | $45
*How photos are organized automatically
*Creating and using albums
*Searching for photos
*Editing photos
Register here
Mac Photos Photos Workshop
Wednesday, September 25th | 2:00pm – 4:00pm | $45
*Where photos are stored
*How photos are organized automatically
*Creating and using albums
*Searching for photos
*Editing photos
Register here
Mac Basics Workshop
Wednesday, October 2nd | 2:00pm – 4:00pm | $45
*Saving files
*Tips for safe computing
Register here
Thursday, September 12th | 9:00am – 4:00pm
Friday, September 13th | 9:00am – 4:00pm
Bring your used or unwanted camera equipment for an on-site appraisal and the potential to be paid CASH!
UsedPhotoPro experts will be on-site at Camera Corner to buy your film/digital bodies, flashes, tripods, lenses, and collectible gear for top dollar! Stop by to get a quote and sell them your used equipment for CASH. You also have the option to take 10% more if you elect an in-store credit for Camera Corner.
If you can’t attend, feel free to drop off your equipment in advance. UsedPhotoPro will contact you with a quote after inspecting your items during the event.
*Please note: The buyer is selective, and not all equipment is purchased. Contact Scott Morison beforehand to gauge their interest –
UsedPhotoPro website for info and quotes: