Do you or a loved one have questions about a computer, tablet, cell phone, or camera? Having issues with a password reset or recovery? Perhaps someone in your life will be getting a new piece of technology that they will need help learning.
We can help!
Our Help Desk service is one more way we share our expertise with you here at Camera Corner. You get individualized one-on-one assistance with an expert in the area of your technology needs. We will spend as much time with you as needed, working with you to answer your questions without interruption or time constraints.
Help Desk rate: $15.00 for 15 minute increments
For more information or to schedule a session:
Contact us at (920) 435-5353 or email
Training at Home – Computers
We are able to come to you and provide training on your own equipment. Questions can be answered on mouse basics, organizing files, surfing the internet, email, and much more! This training is for home computer users and is limited to two participants.
At home Help Desk rate: $129.00* for two hours
*Note: A travel charge may apply for areas outside of a 15-mile radius of the Green Bay area.
For more information or to schedule a session:
Contact Kevin Bassett at (920) 438-0330 or email